Title: The Fall Pairing: Esau/Jacob Word Count: 1617 Rating: R A/N: Written for lostsquee's Fic Battle but ended up way exceeding the character limit. Summary: Esau and Jacob are turned human and left in the real world, struggling to find their feet.
Title: Sticks and Stones Pairing: Sun/Walt Word Count: 232 Rating: PG A/N: This is the last of my fics for the Lost Fic Battle. My apologies for the fic-spam! Summary: The beach camp is alive with gossip about the pair.
Title: Some Wishes Come True Pairing: Scott/Steve Word Count: 462 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: Scott and Steve's last night before the crash.
Title: So It Is Written Pairing: Kate/Sayid Word Count: 157 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: Fate does not care for romance.
Title: Second Chance Pairing: Jin/Sawyer Word Count: 228 Rating: PG A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: Sawyer doesn't fool himself into believing that either of them are good people.
Title: The Grief Never Ends Pairing: Jin/Michael Word Count: 382 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: After losing Walt, Jin is the only constant left in Michael's life.
Title: Like Old Times Pairing: Jack/Sawyer/Sayid Word Count: 329 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: They reunite in a hotel room.
Title: Murder in her Heart Pairing: Jack/Kate Word Count: 100 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: Kate knows Jack could never accept the length she'll go to in order to survive.
Title: The Only Friend You Can Trust Characters: Danielle Word Count: 217 Rating: PG A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: On the island, Danielle trusts her gun and nothing else.
Title: Lessons Pairing: Daniel/Frank Word Count: 306 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle. Summary: Frank offers to show Daniel how to fly the helicopter.